Half adder is a combinational circuit which computer binary addition of two binary inputs. It is one of the basic combinational circuit in which we have combination of two gates (ex-or gate, and gate). The truth table of half adder is given below and we can write boolean expression for half adder as follows $$sum = a\oplus b$$ $$carry = ab$$
Input a |
Input b |
Output sum |
Output carry |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Half adder has two inputs (a,b) and two outputs (sum,carry). First, create a module with a module name half_adder_s as given below.
//half adder using structural modeling
module half_adder_s ();
Now create input output port list.
//half adder using structural modeling
module half_adder_s (
input a,b,
output sum,carry
Now desciribe the hardware inside the module. Sum is a ex-or b and carry is a and b. We can use any hardware modeling for describing a half adder. Below is the verilog code using structural modeling because we are using logic gate instantiation for descibing logic gates.
//half adder using structural modeling
module half_adder_s (
input a,b,
output sum,carry
Below is the Verilog code for half adder using data-flow modeling because we are using assign statement to assign a logic function to the output.
//half adder using data flow modeling
module half_adder_d (
input a,b,
output sum,carry
assign sum = a ^ b;
assign carry = a & b;
We can also use adder operator for creating half adder crcuit because half adder is basically addition of two binary inputs as given below.
//half adder using Verilog Operator
module half_adder_o (
input a,b,
output sum,carry
assign {carry,sum} = a+b;
module half_adder_tb;
reg a,b;
wire sum,carry;
half_adder_s uut(a,b,sum,carry);
initial begin
a = 0; b = 0;
b = 0; b = 1;
a = 1; b = 0;
b = 1; b = 1;