For this tutorial we are using Xilinx Vivado 2022 for simulating Verilog HDL
In this part we'll create a Vivado Project
Open Vivado 2022, The window of Vivado 2022 looks like as shown below. If you are using previous verison of Vivado it may look different.
Click on File → Project → New
New Project Window will apprer. Click on Next
In project Name, write a unique project name and Click Next. Do not forget to check Create project subdirectory
Choose RTL Project
You can add Source file from here. For this tutorial skip this part (Click Next). We'll Create source file later
We do not require any Constraints File so, skip this part by cliking on Next
Do not choose any part number since we are just simulating the Verilog HDL so leave it as default part. Click Next
In this window, project summary will show. Click on Finish
After creating the project, the will look like as shown below.
Till now, we've created the Vivado Project required for this tutorial.
Now, we'll create source file for writing Verilog HDL.
Click on File → Add Sources
Click on Create Design Source and click on Next
Click on Create File
Write a unique file name and click OK
In this window you can define your module name and input output ports. Do not change the module name and click OK
Click Yes
In Project Manager, Under the Design Sources you can find your all design files. Double clik on this to write Verilog codes.
Write the Verilog Code. The code for half adder is given below. This module has two inputs and two outputs
You can check the RTL Schematic. To do this, In Project manager (Left side of the window), Click on RTL Analysis →Schematic
Now our module is ready. We'll now create Test Bench for testing this module.
Click on File → Add Sources and do no forget to click on Add or Create Simulation Sources
Write the verilog code for test bench
Click on Simulations → Run Simulation. Now you can see the waveform
That's all.
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